CS 175: Project in Artificial Intelligence
Winter 2020
Work in a team to develop an artificial agent interacting with Minecraft, Duckietown, or ColosseumRL. Use reinforcement learning or other machine learning algorithms to train your agent to perform an interesting task.
General information
- Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30–1:50pm
- No discussion on Fridays, we’ll use that time to meet project teams
- Location: Physical Sciences Classroom Building (PSCB) 120
- Instructor: Prof. Roy Fox
- Office hours: Fridays 9–11am, DBH 4064
- Teaching Assistant: Julian Collado, colladou at uci.edu
- Announcements and forum: Piazza Class
- First and best option for asking questions outside of class or office hours
- Feel free to answer other students’ questions, initiate RL and project related discussions, etc.
- Use private messages in Piazza to communicate with course staff
- Platforms
- RL libraries
- Courses
- David Silver (UCL)
- Sergey Levine (Berkeley)
- Dimitri Bertsekas (MIT)
- Books
- Assignment 1; due Tuesday, January 21 2020, 11pm.
- Assignment 2; due Tuesday, February 4 2020, 11pm.